“Go to bed!”
That was pretty much my “bedtime ritual” while growing up. Or, at least that’s what I remember as a tween. I think when I was younger I would hear, “Time for mimis.” I still say “mimis” today.
As an adult, bedtime is a busy time with our two dogs. Pork Chop and Chubby Jackson must have one last bathroom break and a little treat before going to sleep. Of course, knowing that they will have to go to sleep, they dilly-dally (is that a word?) taking their own sweet time to do their business. Once in the bedroom, the little one (Pork Chop) refuses to go into his crate most nights, as he’d rather cuddle between us two osos.
What does any of this have to do with food? Recently the California Milk Processor Board asked LatinoFoodie for our bedtime rituals with our kids. Milk apparently helps children get a good night’s sleep. Since we don’t have any children yet (stop the presses! Did I just say “yet?”) — we decided to ask our friends with young ones for their bedtime rituals that work for their families. After listening to them, I am definitely a little jealous. It seems like such a precious time of the day to be a parent.

A good friend who is also a media relations/PR superstar , Norma Galeana, has two little ones and another in college. Norma had this to say: :
“Our rituals are a little different during the week due to sports training. After getting home from soccer practice, a glass of chocolate milk is a must to repair muscle tissue, followed by a warm shower and some dinner, then ready to go to bed. After reading a short story, chatting about how the day went Rafael and Isabela love to have cheerios with cold milk before going to bed. On hot days, a berries smoothie is a must before going to bed.”

Jaceene Cervantes, my former neighbor and who is now more like a niece to me shared this about going to bed with her young son who is about to turn three. “Michael Ray and I spend thirty minutes in bed being silly. We do anything from reading a book to shadow puppets. When we’re all done being silly we lay next to each other face to face holding hands saying a bedtime prayer and fall asleep.”
Another dear friend, Valarie de la Garza, told us: “Every night about 8:30 p.m. we ask our three boys to get into their jammies and brush their teeth. Once they jump in bed (and they definitely jump) each boy says a prayer. They each say their prayer which involves a long laundry list of people for God to take care of including “all the dogs and cats in the world.” Once in a while I might sing them a song, but now that they are getting a little older, that sadly seems to be going away.”
Here are some tips from the California Milk Processor Board:
- Drinking milk before going to bed may help you sleep better.
- Sending your kids to bed early with a glass of milk may help them to be more awake and alert the following morning.
- Remember to tune in every night between 7-9 p.m. PACIFIC TIME to Telemundo and Univision to watch the California Milk Board’s TV spot, “Ya es hora de ir a la cama” which reminds parents and children that it’s time to go to bed!
Check out bedtime stories from www.otroscuentos.com to read to your children while drinking milk.
Don’t forget to visit the “Maestro del Vaso Medio Lleno” Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ElMaestroDelVasoMedioLleno
This is part of a sponsored campaign with the California Milk Processor Board and Latina Mom Bloggers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Latino Foodie, your blog on ‘Milk and Bedtime Rituals’ is a heartwarming journey into the cherished traditions that bring families together. The stories shared create a tapestry of cultural richness and connection.